- Before getting enrolled with FALCONS ACADEMY DUBAI (“FALCONS ACADEMY”), Students/players and their parents/guardians must carefully read the following »Terms and Conditions«:

- The relevant fee must accompany all applications. A payment that will be confirmed at the registration must be received prior to the attendance of any course.

- Payment can be delivered at the class (cash or cheque) or via bank transfer directly to the FALCONS ACADEMY bank account.

- Applications by online registration, phone, or e-mail are not confirmed until receiving the payment.

- All courses, activities, venues & sessions are subject to change according to weather, programming, and satisfactory level of numbers. We may cancel any courses and change any information, should this be necessary for any reason including but not limited to Force Majeure.

- FALCONS ACADEMY may request the Student or his/her parent/guardian for providing additional information and/or documents, at any time during the Term of the program. The Student/participant agrees and undertakes to provide FALCONS ACADEMY with all personal information, including contact details and health-related information, and permits FALCONS ACADEMY to collect, store and use the information to meet their obligations and to facilitate the promotion of the program.

- FALCONS ACADEMY reserves the right to make any changes in the schedule, sessions, or fees due to any issues whatsoever. Such changes will be informed to the student/parent prior to subsequent sessions. If we have to cancel a session for whatever reason we will offer an alternative session and the same will be informed to the student or parent at least one day prior to the date of the session, without any refund of the paid fees.

- All classes will be conducted mainly in English.

- The Student or his/her parent/guardian shall immediately disclose to FALCONS ACADEMY any change in circumstances that may affect the Student’s ability to attend the training.

- In case the participant could not attend the training for personal reasons, the missing session will not be compensated or added to the expiry of this membership.

- In case a student could not attend the training because of illness, injury, or special weather conditions a catch-up session is possible at some of the nearest locations. FALCONS ACADEMY may, at its sole option, elect to have the Student/participant covered within any insurance required for the conduct of the program, and may inform the Student/participant in respect, if this occurs.

- We treat as a priority the safety and well-being of all participants attending our courses. We, therefore, reserve the right to remove from our sessions/activities without refund, any participant or parent/guardian found bullying, misbehaving, committing an unlawful or unethical acts or generally being disruptive in FALCONS ACADEMY’s absolute opinion.

- The Student/participant shall adhere to the rules and regulations, by-laws, policies, and code of conduct relevant to the program, and shall all the time honor the instructions and decisions of the instructors, coaches, or other related staff/persons of FALCONS ACADEMY. In the event that the Student/participant fails to comply with the applicable health and safety rules, policies and procedures, this registration may be canceled by FALCONS ACADEMY after sufficient warning.

- Places for our sessions are limited. They will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

- You must ensure that the student/child is physically fit and able to participate in the sporting activities and accordingly you accept all risks resulting from participation in the course.

- The Student/participant undertakes that he/she is aware that the activities in which he/she may participate in
connection with the program may be hazardous and he/she is voluntarily participating in the program with full knowledge, appreciation, and understanding of the dangers and personal risks involved, and he/she hereby agree to accept any and all risks of participating in the program including but not limited to illness, serious personal injury and/or property loss. He / She has freely and knowingly consented to participate in this conduct/program. The Student/participant further acknowledges that no representation or warranties of any kind have been made to him/her by FALCONS ACADEMY for his/her participation in the program.

- We can’t accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury, or disappointment suffered by anyone entering any

- FALCONS ACADEMY will not be responsible for any items lost or left behind at our courses.

- The Student/participant acknowledges that FALCONS ACADEMY owns the intellectual property rights relating to the program and agrees that the Student/participant does not by this registration and will not otherwise have or acquire any ownership in such intellectual property rights. No waiver of any default or potential default on any one occasion will constitute a waiver of any subsequent or other default or potential default, and no single or partial exercise of any such right, power, or privilege will preclude the further or full exercise thereof.

- By accepting the terms and conditions of registration, the student and parent agree not to fight or argue with the academy coaches or any of the academy staff for any reason. Any such actions will be treated as a code of misconduct and the academy reserve the right to cancel the registration without any notice. No refund will be provided in such cases. The cost of any damage caused thereof by the student or parent to any property or facilities will be charged to the student.

- The Student/participant agrees, in good faith, with these Terms and Conditions and shall undertake all steps and acts necessary to effectuate the subject program.

- The Student/participant agrees to indemnify FALCONS ACADEMY and/or any of its affiliates against any claim, suit, action, or proceeding brought against FALCONS ACADEMY and/or any of its affiliates
as a result of a breach of these Terms and Conditions by the Student/participant.

- No refunds will be offered/available for any canceled activities outside of the control of Dubai Basketball Club (i.e. inclement weather, venue cancellation, pandemics, force majeure, maintenance, and National or Religious Holiday dates).

In this particular case:
1. FALCONS ACADEMY will organize substitute online/regular classes at the same or alternative location.

2. The credit note may be transferred to the next Academic Year.

- Once payment is received, registrations and or bookings cannot be canceled.

- If any parent registers and pays for activities with FALCONS ACADEMY that then clashes with activities starting at a later date with other schools/provider activities, no refund will be given. Makeup sessions will be provided.

- FALCONS ACADEMY will be performing basketball activities in the facility where all Government precautions and measures against known/unknown pandemic threats will be implemented in collaboration with the Facility provider. Parents and players are responsible for complying with all Government guidelines and instructions from FALCONS ACADEMY staff accordingly. In case parents or players become affected by any known/unknown pandemic virus or disease, FALCONS ACADEMY will not be responsible for the same, and parents & players are fully aware that this type of liability/threat is impossible to be
controlled by the basketball providers and facility management.

- There is an admission fee which is charged 1 time per Academic year and it includes administration costs & sports kit. The exact cost will be provided by the FALCONS ACADEMY admin upon registration.

- Registration includes Basketball Youth Program, After School Activities (ECA), Private Training, Competitions & Events.

- Registration is valid for the period August 26th, 2024 – August 25th, 2025.

- These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws applicable in the Emirate of Dubai and the UAE. Any differences or disputes shall be settled amicably, and if the parties fail to resolve any differences or disputes amicably, the matter shall be referred to the Dubai courts (excluding the DIFC courts) for final resolution.

- The website is owned and operated by: FALCONS ACADEMY DUBAI.

register today!


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